(most of) Your Gels
DNA, Darwin, and a bottle of rum...not necessarily in that order.
Not my best photographic work, but here you go. I tweaked them a bit in Photoshop to better bring out the set of second bands. Click on the photos for a larger image.
Posted by
Jim Lemire
11:45 PM
Ahh Electrophoresis. Hope I spelt that right don't want to look like an idiot or anything. That was a good lab, anyone agree? Im pretty sure I'm talking to myself because no one else comments on the blog anymore. Its somewhat depressing, because its not like it takes a lot of time. COME ON PEOPLE. anyway that lab was cool. I wish I could have stood there and watch the dna move into the columns. Anyway, cant wait to write this lab report
Woah Yiewei i did not know you could type gangsta. Anyways, this lab was cool. I enjoyed being the person that put the DNA samples in the wells. If you would like to admire my work i did the gel with the 2 lefts cut. Yeah, its a masterpiece
Yea, Yiwei talks gangsta (or atleast tries to), what makes you think that he couldnt type gangsta? Im just surprised that he can type...coming from that line of Neandethals and all. Our gel did come out better than this pic shows (thanks teacher) and it was an awesome lab. Electrophoresis is spelt right and if it was wrong u still wouldn't look like an idiot.
Alright, back to DEEP SEA NEWS!
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