Deep Sea News - Just One Thing Challenge
Do you want to help protect the deep sea?
Are you up to a challenge?
If you answered 'yes' to both of those questions then head on over to DSN and sign up for their weekly "Just One Thing Challenge".
DNA, Darwin, and a bottle of rum...not necessarily in that order.
Do you want to help protect the deep sea?
Are you up to a challenge?
If you answered 'yes' to both of those questions then head on over to DSN and sign up for their weekly "Just One Thing Challenge".
Posted by
Jim Lemire
10:11 AM
Had to share some recently-acquired gifts. Yes, I'm showing off and want you all to be insanely jealous.
First up, a pair of finger puppets from my sister-in-law. That there's Uncle Chuck on the left and Auntie Em, "The Most Dangerous Woman in America", on the right: These and much much more can be found at The Unemployed Philosopher's Guild. (and no, it's not entirely a coincidence that my daughter is named Emma. My son? Oh, he's named after a seafaring captain of course).
Second, a pair of home-knit socks from my mother-in-law that will make all you invert fans envious (yes, I'm talking about you, KZ). Besides being stylish and super-comfy, they're made from crab and shrimp chitin! (actually, from a yarn called TOFUtsies, which contains chitin fibers)
So, I've got radical, free-thinkers on my fingers and crustaceans on my feet. What could be better?
Posted by
Jim Lemire
11:36 PM
I want to return to the topic of synthetic life and the Venter Institute's recent accomplishment of synthesizing a half-million base pair bacterial genome from scratch. Thinking and reading more about it I realized that my first reaction to this was quite simple - "Cool.". Not "Oh my Todd! What have they done now?" or even "Wow, that is absolutely amazing - I can't believe they figured out how to do that!". Just "Cool." Even back when the Venter team succeeded in inserting a whole genome into a DNA-less cell, I wasn't particularly blown away. I mentioned then that this sort of thing seemed like the next logical step in the world of biotech and genetic engineering. We've known for some time how to genetically modify organisms. In fact no one is really phased by this idea any more - at least from a feasible scientific and technological standpoint. Sure, people argue over whether or not genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are good for us or for the environment, but no one blinks an eye at our ability to create GMOs (hell, you can buy a kit and do it yourself).
So isn't it inevitable that we advance from inserting foreign genes into a cell to inserting whole genomes? Conceptually, it's just a matter of scale, right? So, that's what Venter's team did this past summer - they brought the field of genetic engineering to the next level by upping the scale. Was it easy? Hell no. Technically, the scientists had to overcome numerous barriers. They spent countless hours wracking their collective brains, performing failed experiments, and redesigning procedures. But in the end, it was never really a question of if they could do it, but how.
Same thing this time around. We've known how to build short stretches of DNA from constituent nucleotides for decades - we know the (bio)chemistry of it. But until now, we could only manage to make relatively small pieces of DNA - the longest synthetic strand of DNA had been approximately 30,000 base pairs long. So, Venter's team took us to the next level once again by upping the scale. And again, it was no small feat. Just an inevitable one. As Carl Zimmer has written, the advances we are seeing in synthetic genetics are largely technical, not conceptual.
So, no, I wasn't terribly surprised to hear about the synthesis of a 580,000 base pair bacterial genome. Impressed and excited, yes, but not surprised. And I won't be surprised when this genome is used to "boot up" a cell. Nor when the Venter squad whittles this genome down to the bare minimum that will drive a living cell - the so-called "Minimum Genome Project". Nor when GSOs - "genetically synthesized organisms" - replace GMOs in our regular lexicon. There's nothing Copernican here, the conceptual revolution is long past. DNA, nucleotides, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, electrons and protons. At this point it's all just different scales of biochemistry.
Posted by
Jim Lemire
11:29 PM
Not sure why this one makes me stop the dial each time. Perhaps it's the bass hook. Perhaps it was their MTV Music Awards performance (see below for bonus link). Perhaps it's the fact that my almost 4-year old belts out "I think you're craaaaaazyyyyy" every time he hears it. Whatever the reason, I stop every time on this song. I even go searching for it sometimes.
(Bonus MTV Music Awards video here)
Posted by
Jim Lemire
7:49 PM
Posted by
Jim Lemire
2:41 PM
I just typed up a nice longish post, full of science content and the program I used to create it (ScribeFire) lost it. I clicked "Post to Blog", it said "Post Successful" so I cleared the the editor. Yet, the post is nowhere to be found. Nowhere. I've had no problems with ScribeFire in the past, but now I can't post a damn thing with it - even though it tells me "Post Successful" every f-ing time. So instead, you get this rant.
Posted by
Jim Lemire
1:49 PM
I might as well continue the lack of any science-based posting with something I thought of while driving into work today. As I was flipping through the radio channels I realized that there is a definite hierarchy to the songs that I listen to. Generally, I flip through a few channels, hear a few seconds of what's being played, and then decide which song to listen to and switch back to that channel. If I kept track of all the songs and my preferences, I could create a rather accurate ordered list of my favorites (hmmm, maybe I can't quite escape being sciency). However, there are certain songs that simply stop the dial - if it is on, I don't bother finding out what else is available.
Of course, these songs are a varied lot - some are all-time favorites, others are new songs that I'm currently excited about. Now, my taste in music is rather eclectic and I don't think I have the absolute best taste either (as my wife will surely agree) - I like what I like whether it's Led Zeppelin or The Chieftains.
On the way into work this morning, there were actually a number of stop-the-dial (STD?) songs, but I think the following gets top billing for today.
(and no, I'm not the least bit embarrassed admitting this)
Posted by
Jim Lemire
11:36 AM
It's interesting how random memories collide sometimes. Just days apart, my kids were asking about my favorite TV shows when I was a kid (as part of our new nightly "Dinner Games") and Sarah over at Jake and Nina Save the Day posts part of an episode from one of them - a show I haven't thought about in years - what are the chances? I just had to go a-searching for more:
Posted by
Jim Lemire
11:06 PM
Posted by
Jim Lemire
10:56 AM
Mike Schmidt* 440 | Jim Rice 1,276 | Jim Rice 2,145 |
Dave Kingman 365 | Mike Schmidt* 1,221 | Steve Garvey 2,121 |
Jim Rice 350 | Dave Winfield* 1,147 | Cecil Cooper 1,975 |
Reggie Jackson* 330 | George Foster 1,114 | George Brett* 1,961 |
George Foster 321 | Steve Garvey 1,076 | Robin Yount* 1,933 |
Mike Schmidt* 0.545 | Jim Rice 3670 | Mike Schmidt* 1,194 |
Jim Rice 0.520 | Mike Schmidt* 3,448 | Jim Rice 1,098 |
George Brett* 0.518 | Steve Garvey 3,222 | Dave Winfield* 1,069 |
Eddie Murray* 0.505 | Dave Winfield* 3,221 | George Brett* 1,021 |
Fred Lynn 0.494 | George Brett* 3,201 | Robin Yount* 995 |
Posted by
Jim Lemire
1:50 PM
Posted by
Jim Lemire
10:03 AM
Linnaeus' Legacy is "a monthly blog carnival devoted to the study of life's diversity, and the science of describing and understanding this diversity." The latest edition is up over at Greg Laden's Blog. My little rant on species naming rights is included in this edition, as well as a plethora of more intellectually enlightening posts (not written by me).
Posted by
Jim Lemire
11:31 AM
I'm shocked and disappointed - Alton Brown is a born-again Christian:
In 1992, Brown says, he found God, or maybe God found him, but he blundered away until he became a born-again Christian. The single biggest life-changing thing for me is I just got baptized last year. Everything else pales in comparison to acceptance of Christianity. That's number one.
Posted by
Jim Lemire
10:58 PM
The Musical Illusionist and Other Tales
by Alex Rose
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
Your Inner Fish
by Neil Shubin
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
At the Water's Edge by Carl Zimmer
Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan
The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins
Endless Forms Most Beautiful by Sean Carroll
The Ethical Assassin by David Liss
Genesis by Robert Hazen