Monday, January 08, 2007

Frogs in pots!!!WHAT?!!!!!1

Hello everyone. I thought since everyone enjoyed my geoducks post so darn much, that I would try my luck again. In this case it has to do with Frogs as you might have guessed. I'm not sure if it is the fact that frogs are naturally unintelligent, or it is a matter of adaption. People might remember what James was talking about in class today when he said that people that crashed in an airplane, didn't not get out of the plane when it was burning. They could have easily have gotten out, but choose not too. I have a feeling that this might be an example of what James was talking about.
So here is how the story goes. There is a story that I have heard a fair amount of times about frogs in pots. I have no idea who would test this theory out, but many apparently have. When a frog is put into a pot filled with Hot water, it will immediately hop right out. If the water is relatively cold the frog will react by staying in the pot. It does not mind the cold as much. This is understandable. The confusing part about the story is that when the frog is put in relatively cold water and the temperature goes up incrementally, the frog does no jump out. If someone was to turn the heat up two degrees at a time the frog has no reaction. Instead of hopping out when it gets to hot, it boils up inside and dies.
I figured it was an interesting idea, that might have something to do with what James was talking about in class today. I don't think the frog wants to die, but it is more of a mental issue within the frog's mind. It is either a question of pyschology or it is a matter of neurotransmitters and nerve impulses. If anyone has any information why this occurs, or any guesses just put them in the comments section.


Alyssa said...

It's funny you would post this story because this weekend i was watching An Inconvient Truth and Al Gore told it. He was talking more of how people have to be aware of slow changes over time with global warming before it gets really bad. But biologically speaking, i don't have much input. Perhaps the frog just slowly adapts to the changing water temperature so it doesn't realize it is being boiled. Anyways, keep it up you are a great contributor to this blog.

Friedl said...

Id say it exists, its just slower than we all make it seem and there are other factors. As for the frogs, how can they also survive by living in a little air bubble in a frozen pond? I think it has something to do with the ability to adjust their body temperature over time...
Im sure it has nothing to do with their brain size or reaction reflexes.
Sorry Yiwei, but ppl do some pretty stupid things too....


Nerdelbaum Frink said...

the frog analogy is false. a frog will not sit in the water until it boils to death, and if you throw a frog in a pot of boiling water it will be scalded and die.