Quizzes - good for your head
Just thought some of you might like to see this brief article on the effects of testing on memory...maybe I should start giving pop quizzes...
Testing Boosts Memory
DNA, Darwin, and a bottle of rum...not necessarily in that order.
Just thought some of you might like to see this brief article on the effects of testing on memory...maybe I should start giving pop quizzes...
Testing Boosts Memory
Posted by
Jim Lemire
10:59 PM
I don't know about Pop quizzes. Maybe quizzes on the homework from the night before. Take one of the hard problems and make a pop quiz on that, then have everyone hand it in, and do it out on the board. OR maybe just no pop quiz at all. Either way I'm sure they are both beneficial. It is interesting to see that tests are just an abombination. I guess they might serve a purpose, but I still despise them.
Yeah those findings make a lot of sense. Although i hate taking quizzes and tests they are very helpful and i feel they help me retain facts. Also when i know i will be tested on material i study harder and take more copious notes. Basically, i like the addition of quizzes to the class and i dont know about the rest of the class but i find them helpful and this article backs me up so keep em coming :)
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